"일본IT" 트렌드 분석에서 실무까지 "민짱" :: [영어표현] 사람 성격을 표현하는 유용한 영어 표현 44개

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[IMPORTANT English WORDS for Speaking about people's personality VOCABULARY]

Honest people don't tell lies.

Selfish people think only of themselves.

A polite person is someone who says please and thank you.

A deceitful person misleads others of lies to them.

A stingy person is someone who doesn't like to spend any money.(not frugal)

Shy people feel uncomfortable around others.

Rude people are impolite.

An arrogant person thinks they are better than other people.

A punctual person is someone who is always on time.

A brave person is courageous.

A pessimistic person is someone who thinks bad things will happen in the future.

A funny persion is someone who makes people laugh. 

A reliable person can be depended on.

A greedy person is someone who wants to have everything.

A messy person is someone who doesn’t keep their house clean.

A lazy person is not hard-working.

An athletic persion might play sports or exercise.

A considerate person is thoughtful.

A thoughtful person is considerate.

A conceited person is arrogant.

An outgoing person is someone who likes to meet people.

An easy-going person is someone who is easy to get along with.

A brave person is someone who is not afraid to do something.

A sociable person is outgoing.

Intelligent people are brilliant and witty.

Rude people are obnoxious.

A considerate person is someone who thinks of other people and does things for them.

Thoughtful people are considerate.

Dependable people are reliable.

Cruel people are heartless.

A positive person is someone who sees the good in everything.

Dishonest people are deceitful.

Impatient people can't stand wating for anything.

Lazy people are not hard-working.

Open-minded people are not narrow-minded.

Neat people are not messy.

Most shy people are not outgoing.

Rational people are usually not emotional.

A pessimistic person is not optimistic.

Moody people are often gloomy, depressed, or angry.

A generous person is someone who gives and shares.

Deceptive people mislead and lie.

A wise person has lots of experience and knowleadge.

A creative person is someone who thinks of original ideas.


정직한 사람은 거짓말을 하지 않습니다.

이기적인 사람은 자기 자신만 생각합니다.

예의바른 사람은 부탁하고 감사하다고 말하는 사람입니다.

속이는 사람은 다른 사람에게 거짓말을 하게 합니다.

인색한 사람은 돈 쓰기를 싫어하는 사람입니다.(검소하지 않음)

수줍은 사람들은 다른 사람들과 함께 있을 때 불편함을 느낍니다.

무례한 사람들은 예의가 바르지 않습니다.

교만한 사람은 자신이 다른 사람보다 낫다고 생각합니다.

시간을 잘 지키는 사람은 항상 시간을 지키는 사람입니다.

용감한 사람은 용기가 있습니다.

비관적인 사람은 미래에 나쁜 일이 일어날 것이라고 생각하는 사람입니다.

재미있는 사람은 사람들을 웃게 만드는 사람입니다.

믿을 수 있는 사람은 의지할 수 있다.

욕심이 많은 사람은 모든 것을 갖고 싶어하는 사람이다.

지저분한 사람은 집을 깨끗하게 유지하지 않는 사람입니다.

게으른 사람은 열심히 일하지 않습니다.

운동선수는 스포츠를 하거나 운동을 할 수 있습니다.

사려 깊은 사람은 사려 깊습니다.

생각이 깊은 사람은 배려심이 깊습니다.

교만한 사람은 교만합니다.

외향적인 사람은 사람들을 만나는 것을 좋아하는 사람입니다.

편안한 사람은 함께 지내기 쉬운 사람입니다.

용감한 사람은 어떤 일을 하는 것을 두려워하지 않는 사람입니다.

사교적인 사람은 외향적입니다.

똑똑한 사람들은 똑똑하고 재치가 있습니다.

무례한 사람들은 불쾌합니다.

배려심 있는 사람은 다른 사람을 생각하고 그들을 위해 일을 해주는 사람입니다.

사려 깊은 사람은 사려 깊습니다.

신뢰할 수 있는 사람은 신뢰할 수 있습니다.

잔인한 사람들은 무정합니다.

긍정적인 사람은 모든 것에서 좋은 점을 보는 사람입니다.

부정직한 사람은 속이는 사람입니다.

참을성이 없는 사람은 아무것도 기다리는 것을 참을 수 없습니다.

게으른 사람은 열심히 일하지 않습니다.

열린 마음을 가진 사람은 편협한 마음을 가진 사람이 아닙니다.

깔끔한 사람은 지저분하지 않습니다.

대부분의 수줍은 사람들은 외향적이지 않습니다.

합리적인 사람은 대개 감정적이지 않습니다.

비관적인 사람은 낙관적이지 않습니다.

변덕스러운 사람들은 종종 우울하거나, 우울하거나, 화가 납니다.

관대한 사람은 베풀고 나누는 사람입니다.

속이는 사람들은 속이고 거짓말을 합니다.

지혜로운 사람은 경험과 지식이 풍부합니다.

창의적인 사람은 독창적인 아이디어를 생각하는 사람입니다.



